Color Ink & Photo Collages 2023: Color Voids

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The series Color Voids (2023) is based on strong contrasts: the black surroundings of a view and its main object in vibrant colors. Urban or architectural elements often form a dark silhouette (extending even to the outside of the frame of the work, by the use of a black background on which it is presented). However, the main interest of the viewer goes to the colored motif.

The antinomy of the all-consuming darkness and the punctual vivid liveliness that takes place “within the interstices of the nothingness”. On one hand, the amorphous, impersonal structures (like a framing building), and, on the other hand, the vivid (colorfull) imagination that takes place in these so-called “voids”. Human spirituality and creativity happens precisely in the voids, and voids are the empty space between surfaces. The latter are nothing more than dead matter, or just a projection screen. The colors are braking out of the undifferentiated, amorphous, physical ground, and arises a spirtual entity.

There is an inversion of what normally is considered “present” by its materiality, and vice-versa, non-existent by its emptyness or its pure metaphysicality. Inversion of “void” and “plain”, material and spiritual…